From 2014 to 2017 I worked as the UX Director in TheAppBuilder (Thrive App) which is an enterprise-level SaaS company specialising in delivering communication apps for large-scale global brands. I have completely redesigned the UX/UI for iOS, Android, and Web App offerings, alongside new feature development, CMS design, and all branded and printed collatoral, in a complete rebrand audit to existing collateral.


Selected Works

Kinva HealthUI, UX, Product Design, Digital Marketing

Curb HealthUI, UX, Product Design

Arm KigenUX, UI, Product Design

BBCDigital Design, UX, TV Trails, Branding

Seed InvestmentsUX, UI, Product Design, Branding

London School of JournalismUI, UX, Digital Marketing

BTUI, UX, Digital Marketing

Yahoo!Bespoke digital illustration

Selected ProjectsUX, UI, Product Design

All images and content copyright © 2024
