Will Connor is a digital product lead. Formerly designing for brands such as Arm, BBC, BT, Brooklyn Machine Works, Carlsberg, Coca-Cola, Kinva, MTV, O2,  Royal Mail, Virgin, & Yahoo! 

Over the years my work has been published in journals and books such as: Flashback: Retro Design in Contemporary Graphics (Victionary), Palette 03: Gold & Silver – Metallic Graphics (Victionary), IdN 15, and PAGE Magazine.

Kinva Health
UI, UX, Product Design, Digital Marketing
Digital Design, UX, TV Trails, Branding
Arm Kigen
UX, UI, Product Design
Curb Health
UI, UX, Product Design
Kinva Health
UI, UX, Product Design, Digital Marketing
UI, UX, Digital Marketing
Seed Investments
UX, UI, Product Design, Branding

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