Since 2017 I have been the Head of UX in the Advanced Product Development Team at Arm Kigen. I have been privileged to work on the creation of a platform which will orchestrate the connection of 100 billlion IoT devices, using eSims and iSims.


Project Overview


  • Discovery
  • Ideation
  • Brand Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Developer Hand-off
  • Learnings
  • Continuous Integration & Development


  • 2 UX/UI Designers
  • 12 Developers
  • 3 Project Managers
  • 1 Sales & Marketing Lead

My Role

  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Product Design
  • Design Lead


  • Adobe XD
  • Figma
  • Lucid Chart
  • Jira
  • Confluence

About Arm Kigen

Kigen has a focus on eSIM and iSIM solutions, with over 12 years of experience delivering successful IoT projects with established partners. 

They deliver trusted and secure enablement technologies and services into cellular IoT industries globally. They work with partners across an extensive technology ecosystem and provide a broad portfolio of solutions that simplify SIM delivery and management throughout the connected device value chain.


To create a digital platform to manage the provisioning of SIMs including eSIMs and iSIMs. The task encompassed full product design, UX/UI of multiple areas of the business including OTA (Over the Air) Provisioning, RSP (Remote SIM Provisioning), Data Generation and IoT-X Provisioning. All platforms had to be of the highest level GSMA Accredited Security.

Users & Solution

  • International large scale MNO (Mobile Network Operators) Partners who use the platform. Clients include Vodafone and AT&T.

  • Existing Arm Kigen engineers.


Selected Works

Kinva HealthUI, UX, Product Design, Digital Marketing

Curb HealthUI, UX, Product Design

BBCDigital Design, UX, TV Trails, Branding

Seed InvestmentsUX, UI, Product Design, Branding

London School of JournalismUI, UX, Digital Marketing

BTUI, UX, Digital Marketing

TheAppBuilderUX, UI, Product Design, Branding

Yahoo!Bespoke digital illustration

Selected ProjectsUX, UI, Product Design

All images and content copyright © 2024
