Curb is a B2C and B2B2C digital healthcare mobile application with personalisation, to assist users on their journey to addiction recovery using preventative healthcare.

The application uses machine learning to recognise each person’s unique behaviour patterns around craving and high-risk health behaviour, and then deliver “just in time adaptive interventions” (JITAI) to help them overcome the most challenging moments of behaviour change.


Project Overview


  • Discovery
  • Ideation
  • Brand Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Developer Hand-off
  • Learnings


  • 1 UX/UI Designers
  • 3 Developers
  • 1 Project Manager

My Role

  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Brand Design


  • Adobe XD
  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Test Flight


To create a digital healthcare app with personalised, preventative healthcare for employees and patients. To review the existing designs and brand, and re-design with a more effective solution.

Users & Solution

  • Company employees who have been given access to an employee engagement healthcare app.
  • Patients who have been referred access to the application.

Curb Health

Curb Health is a B2C and B2B2C digital healthcare mobile application with personalisation, to assist users on their journey to addiction recovery using preventative healthcare.

Key Market Research

80% of patients and clients want a digital solution.

- McKinsey & Co.

1/3 of all outpatient appointments will be cut by NHS England by 2024, saving £1.1 billion a year. If another 30% of outpatient appointments moved to virtual consultations, £266 million could be saved.

- NHS England

Motivation and support are also keys to success. “We need to maximise ‘relatedness’ – to let them feel connected, cared for”

- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

A medium-sized hospital spends £0.5 million per annum on paper printing and handouts.

- NHS England

Therapy provision at the right frequency, intensity and duration gets long-term results, with 72% reducing their clinical pain and 63% avoiding surgery

- American Heart Association



Selected Works

Kinva HealthUI, UX, Product Design, Digital Marketing

Arm KigenUX, UI, Product Design

BBCDigital Design, UX, TV Trails, Branding

Seed InvestmentsUX, UI, Product Design, Branding

London School of JournalismUI, UX, Digital Marketing

BTUI, UX, Digital Marketing

TheAppBuilderUX, UI, Product Design, Branding

Yahoo!Bespoke digital illustration

Selected ProjectsUX, UI, Product Design

All images and content copyright © 2024
